Cyber Security Awareness Month in Nigeria


 Welcome to the official page of National Cyber Security Awareness Month in Nigeria (NCSAM) hosted by


National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) is an annual campaign celebrated in the United States of America in the month of October to raise awareness about the importance of cyber security. Our “Awareness” activities provide students and individuals with information about the security risks and vulnerabilities associated with using computers, Smartphones and tablet devices.
Today, we are more interconnected than ever before. We all enjoy the benefits and freedoms that cyberspace provides – we shop from our homes, bank from our smart phones, and engage friends from around the world through social networks. However, with each click of the mouse, citizens risk their online security if they have not taken the proper precautions to protect themselves and their Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Cyber security involves protecting that information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks.

To re-orient Nigerian youth from cyber-crime to positive internet use as a tool for personal and societal growth, including:

  • pursuit of leadership in their schools and universities
  • university preparedness
  • career pathways
  • self-employment


  • Educating students on their role in the fight against cyber-crime;
  • Expanding understanding of internet and mobile devices;
  • Clarifying risks and consequences of cyber-crime via educating them in self-protection in all aspects of working online;
  • Training in social media techniques and safety;
  • Introducing them to free certified online courses;
  • Training on various applications and responsibility in the use of social networks online;
  • Empowering and encouraging participants to transmit their new awareness and techniques to others.

The main aim is to educate students and teachers on the importance of the three main focus areas:

  • practicing internet online safety,
  • cyber security awareness and
  • good ethics when surfing the Internet

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